

SEO Lite Plan

THE SEO LITE PLAN If you want your dental practice to be found on Google, Yahoo and Bing then your website will need search engine optimisation. The SEO Lite Plan is an affordable way to ensure your dental website includes all the necessary start-up implementation and set-up facilities. This will enable it to be picked up and ranked on the search engine results page (SERPS). In this package we will also set-up monitoring facilities so design4dentists can track and trace your website’s performance online.   WHAT IS SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. Google, Yahoo, and Bing are three of the most popular search engines on the internet. Almost […]

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Create A Welcome Pack – Step 5

  WHY CREATE A WELCOME PACK? How much do you value your patients? Creating the right impression is essential and your patient welcome pack may be the first presentation they see of your dental brand. Many patients will call and request information as soon as they see your dental practice signs, or by finding you on the internet or even after being recommended by a friend. Patients may not necessarily be given a welcome pack after visiting your practice for an initial examination. Whatever the situation, its imperative to ensure your patients feel valued by providing them freely with the information they are looking for.   REFLECT THE QUALITY OF […]

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Clear & Consistent Signs – Step 4

  ARE DENTAL SIGNS IMPORTANT FOR YOUR PRACTICE? Well thought out and distinctive dental signs will provide clear directions for your patients as well as reinforce your brand. You may not realise it, but signage is extremely important. Most people are unaware how much of an impact signage has on their day to day lives. From roads to railways, offices to shops, signs are absolutely everywhere therefore they extremely helpful when guiding us in a place we have never been before.   WHAT EXTERIOR SIGN OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU HAVE? Historically, many dental practices occupied period buildings and converted residential houses. Unfortunately these can be awkward and limited with regards to external […]

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Invest In Your Website – Step 3

  WHY INVEST IN YOUR WEBSITE? It is true to say that a professional website is an essential marketing tool for any business today. It is now proving to be worthwhile to seriously invest in your website. Many dentists are now seeing a major contribution to their monthly income from patients who make contact through their websites. The surprising fact is, many of these dentists are unaware of this as they do not regularly monitor its activity. One must understand that the secret to a successful website does not lie in being listed number one on Google. Admittedly it helps increase your hit ratings, but it can be costly and will not definitely guarantee new enquiries. […]

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Create Your Dental Brand – Step 2

  WHAT YOUR BRAND SAYS ABOUT YOU If you think only big corporate names need to think about things like brand names and logos, think again. Your dental brand says a lot about you and your business. And that’s as true for a one-person operation as it is for a multi-national conglomerate. Creating a strong dental brand for your practice can help set yourself apart from your competitors. So aim to lay the right foundation down for the future growth of your business and think about all your branding opportunities.   WHAT IS A DENTAL BRAND? Your brand is more than just the logo on your letterhead or your business name; it is […]

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Maintaining Your Dental Website

  HAS YOUR WEBSITE EVER FALTERED? Has your website ever experienced a glitch? For instance, you may have clicked through a link and seen a ‘404 Page Not Found’, or a photo not displaying on a web page, or worse still… your dental website has suddenly disappeared! So what can you do to prevent downtime and optimise performance? The answer is to ensure you are maintaining your dental website with the right support plan in place. Although this will add extra costs to your expenses each month, it will provide you with peace of mind and prevent a whole list of potential problems which can occur at any time. But wait I hear you asking, what […]

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Dental Testimonials

Why use positive dental testimonials on your website? Well did you know over 90% of consumers read online reviews and testimonials before deciding on a purchase. And over 70% say positive testimonials make them trust a business more. So now the challenge is to encourage your patients to leave you with a small review or better still, write a glowing dental testimonial. You can also ask them if they would allow you to create a great case study to help patients understand more about the treatment process and how it can benefit their lifestyle as well as their looks. I’m sure many happy patients would oblige. Below are four different ways you […]

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Dental Design & Marketing Tips

DENTAL MARKETING VIDEOS Below is a series of short dental marketing videos which you will find both educational and entertaining. The aim of these videos is to help you and your dental team understand how to brand and market your dental practice the right way. Whether you wish to create an new dental logo or make the most of your dental website, these videos are intended to provide you with lots of hints and tips. If you wish to find out more, you can visit our design4dentists blog or contact Alex Nicolaou through any of the contact details listed at the bottom of this page.     SMART GOALS FOR YOUR WEBSITE Is […]

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A Powerful Dental Brand – Step 1

  IDENTIFY YOUR DENTAL PATIENTS Identifying your target audience or ideal dental patients is crucial to the success of any business and not just for an independent dental practice. Having the customer at the heart of everything you do will ensure you provide the best and most relevant information, and consistent levels of customer service.   WHO ARE YOUR DENTAL PATIENTS? Who are your existing dental patients, and who are your ideal patients? They may or may not be the same. The location of your practice will play a significant part in this as well. What kind of people live or work in your immediate locality and what specific opportunities does this location give […]

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